Author: DPS Dohlron

Circular (29.05.20) L.K.G to XII Dear Parents This is to inform you that tomorrow i.e. 30.05.2020 is last date to submit the holiday assignment of your ward. If you will not submit the assignment then absent will be marked in First Monthly Test. So kindly submit it.   Principal...

Gen. Notice (27.05.2020)   Dear Parents Our goal is to provide continuous educational opportunities and practice for students while schools are closed but also to eliminate as much stress as feasibly possible for students and parents. While it is our responsibility to continue to educate our children, we also want to...

Gen. Notice (22.05.2020) Dear Parents Please Submit the Holiday Assignment of your ward from 25-05-2020 i.e. Monday to 27-05-2020 between 8:15 1:00 p.m. The teachers will evaluate the assignment and give marks to the students. The marks will be counted for First Monthly Test. Secondly, as...

Circular (19.05.2020) (I to XII) Dear Parents This is to bring to your notice that we will be resuming our online classes from 20.05.2020 onwards. As per instruction of CBSE, 75% of attendance is mandatory to sit for final examination whether it is online or physically in...

Circular (16.05.2020) I to XII Dear Parents This is to inform you that we are resuming our online classes from 20.05.2020 i.e. Wednesday onward. As per instructions of CBSE 75% of attendance is mandatory to sit for final exams whether it is online or physically in the...

[rt_reading_time] Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has forced leaders of the world to take strict preventive measures to mitigate the spread of deadly coronavirus in the local communities. Measures such as lockdown, social distancing, and self-isolation have set up the boundaries between the people which has resulted...

[rt_reading_time] The education industry has revolutionized phenomenally. And, it has all been possible due to emerging technologies and innovation that has changed the way students and teachers interact, learn and teach. This intersection of education and technology has led to the rise of a new sector,...

[rt_reading_time] Each one you must have heard about COVID-19 disease from the news and internet and how this disease has caused a pandemic worldwide, resulting in lockdowns and curfews across the globe. India is also one of those nations which has taken such extreme steps to...

Circular (01.05.2020) VI TO XII Dear Parents This is for your kind information that we are sending Holidays Assignment of your ward. Please help your ward to complete the same very carefully and neatly on Loose Sheets. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Assignment will be assessed and counted...

Circular (24.04.2020) I TO V Dear Parents This is for your kind information that we are sending Holidays Assignment of your ward. Please help your ward to complete the same very carefully and neatly on Loose Sheets. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Assignment will be assessed and counted...